My Blog

Welcome to my blog, i am re taking my AS level media and working on my own this year. Feel free to browse would appreciate Feedback.

Monday, 24 June 2013



1. Prelimary exercise: continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door , crossing a      room and sitting on chair opposite another character, with whom he/she exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.This task should demonstrate match on action , shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

2.main task:the titles and opening of a new fiction film,to last a max of 2 mins

Basic Mark Breakdown :

Research and Planning- 20 % ( 16-20 marks)
There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.
There is excellent organisation of actors,locations,costumes and props.
There is excellent work on shortlists , layouts,drafting,scripting or story boarding.
There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of research and planning.
Time management is excellent.

Production- 60% ( 16-20 marks)
There is evidence of excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

  •  Holding a shot steady where appropriate,framing a shot,including and                excluding elements appropriate.
  • Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate.
  • shooting material appropriate to the task set.
  • selecting mis en scene including colour,figure , lighting,objects and setting.
  • editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
  • using varied shot transitions and other effects selectively and appropriately for task set.
  • using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set.
  • using titles appropriately

Evaluation- 20% ( 16-20 marks)

Excellent understanding of issues around audience,institution,technology, representation,forms and conventions on relation to production.
Excellent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.
Excellent understanding of there development form the preliminary to full task.
Excellent ability to communicate.
Excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.

Location and mis en scene shoot

I have taken some footage of what possibly could be the mis en scene and location. I have chosen to use this place because it is easily accessible and fits the theme perfectly. It can dress it to fit the theme of christmas as props are easily accessible. I have also looked into how the shooting will work with carol singers i have found that it will work by using houses next door and opposite house to get the right angle as this is very important after the establishing shot of the setting but as it is the past it is important that i get rid of things that could suggest possibly the future. By doing this short bit of footage i have found that this will work and i will be able to remove the technologies and things that suggest future. In the video i have also tried to include some possible windows and ideas for shots although this is not final footage it does give some idea of what shots will be used and how effective these will be bearing in mind previous video , on what worked well and what didn't.

Sunday, 23 June 2013




1.   EXT: .HOUSE   - DUSK

Establishing shot of the house, set back in time when the santa was younger. Flashback of his life.

2.  INT: House   -past

Children playing in house with presents. (Christmas Morning)

3. INT: House   -past
slams down picture of family then reverts back to present when santa gets up and peaks out of curtains to see carol singers across the street. (music fades down)

carol singers walk to house with bucket of money from collecting and sheets of lyrics.
FIRST GIRL (scream Queen)
Can we just hurry up I wanna go to this party I wanna get changed.
No this last house then we can go
Mutter about party

knock at the door and curtains shut all lights flicker on and off. The girls wait.

                 SCREAM QUEEN
          Hey mr we know your there

Santa squeezes a mince pie in his hand.

Girls walk off

close up of family picture santa slams picture to the floor. And watches girls walk away and part with the scream queen.

other girls walk to party and see a drunk santa walking towards them.
                   FINAL GIRL
           Shes gone home to get changed
         Oh ill walk back with you guys then
He puts his arms around some of them and they walk off to party…

Scream queen is on phone texting her boyfriend saying will see you soon. She turns around to see if someone is watching her , she turns back and santa puts his hand on throat.
He holds a knife at his side from earlier.

her phone is ringing and its her boyfriend

Uses knife from earlier and stabs picture of family on his mums face and turns the knife.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

First Red Christmas idea

Red Christmas idea - Brief over view
·        Use same idents
·        Take tints and effects off film in dusk
·        Have titles over opening sequence instead of end
            1.      Supernova film in association with handheld productions.
2.      A Tilly Dennis film – Auteur theory
3.      Starring 3+ characters, and introducing
4.      Filmed, edited and produced by Tilly Dennis

·        Start with establishing shot, cross fade, extreme long shot cutting closer to the carol singers.
·        Alternative – cut closer to end up at killer’s window.
·        Flashback of the killer when he was younger and why he hates Christmas.
·        Picture of family present and past, fighting with siblings over presents etc
-          Props such as x mas decorations, cards, whisky and x mas tree.
·        Father could be in Santa costume; this could reflect the picture and the present killer there son.
·        Could have him stabbing Christmas card with knife so audience recognise this as weapon.
·        Fade down singing, fade up group and carol singers singing.
·        Killer goes to curtains to look out- extreme long shot of girls from across the street point of view shot. Shot needs to have room for girls to go to other houses.
·        Scream queen gets killed first.- relates to mum in picture
·        When knock happens, mince pie is squeezed or glass of whisky that spills
·        After knock all lights go off at same time girls go off.
·        When they are walking back false scare of a drunk Santa but actually being one of the girls boyfriends
·        All goes go to party apart from scream queen who left her outfit at home.
·        Tracking of the girl, eye line match but nothing there
·        She turns around again hand on her throat., ‘merry bloody Christmas’ from the Santa, shows knife from earlier on in the house.
·        Slow mo of arm when killing.